Building Science

Advanced Energy Corporation (AEC)


American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

ABSN Alaska Building Science Network.

Academy of Infrared Training

ACEEE American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.

AEC InfoCenter: Architecture, Engineering, Building Construction.

Advanced Energy Corporation helps residential, commercial, and industrial customers improve the return on their energy investment.

ACHPA Affordable Comfort Housing Performance Association.

Affordable Comfort yearly conference on energy efficiency, weatherization, home environmental quality, and housing performance.

Alliance to Save Energy nonprofit coalition to promote efficient and clean use of energy worldwide.

Arctic Technical Services in Fairbanks, Alaska.

ASHRAE: American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials.

Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre: Airbase database of research.

Building America

BuildingOnline: where the Building Industry is found on the Net.

Building Science Corporation: Architecture and Building Science.

CANAM Building Envelope Specialists: solutions to building air leakage problems.

CMHC 001 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation -- Building & Design.

CMHC 002 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation -- Research Highlights.

Center for Resourceful Building Technology (CRBT)

Cold Climate Housing Research Center

Davis Energy Group Emerging technologies, sustainable mechanical design, and building performance studies.

DOE Energy Information Administration - official US statistics.

DOE Residential Energy Use.

ECW Energy Center of Wisconsin.

EEBA The Energy & Environmental Building Alliance

ENERJOY - Solid State Heating radiant heating products and measurement tools.

EREN DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network.

EIC Energy Ideas Clearinghouse.

Environmental Building News Newsletter.

Environment/Canada Green Lane Site

EOWD Environmental Organization WebDirectory.

Energy Star Programs & Products.

Energy Star Building Upgrade Manual online.

EPA: Indoor Environments Division

EPA: IAQ publications

Energy & Environmental Building Association (EEBA)

Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)

FSEC Florida Solar Energy Center.

Galaxy Worldwide information and services links.

Galaxy Environment/community links.

Global Environmental Options for sustainable buildings, communities and national parks.

Home Energy Magazine Online.

Home Energy

ISES International Solar Energy Society.

LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory search for articles.

LBNL: Residential Ventilation Project info and on-line calculator.

ME3: Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy home page.

MES - Minnesota Extension Service Environment and Natural Resources.

MES: Carbon Monoxide is still a killer.

National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

NAHBRC National Association of Home Builders Research Center.

National Comfort Institute HVAC training and certification.

National H.E.R.O Home Energy & Resources Organization.

NCAT The National Center for Appropriate Technology.

Northwest Builders Environmental Guide.

NYSERDA: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.

Oikos: Green Building Source search 1,700 green building products online.

Oikos: Energy Source Newsletter information on building energy-efficient homes.

Oregon DEQ - Wood Smoke Pollution.

Physics 2204 Elective House Design.

Proctor Engineering energy efficiency consultants to utilities and research Institutes.

Partnership for Advanced Technology in Housing (PATH)

Prairie Crossing

Protocols for Energy Efficient Residential Buidings

RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) - Home Energy Ratings and Residential Energy Efficiency Financing.

R-2000 Canadian program for energy efficient home construction.

Radon Testing

RMI: the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET)

Rocky Mountain Institute

Southface Energy Institute

Snell Infrared: Online Resources for Infrared Thermographers.

Sources of Sustainability list of links.

Southface Energy Institute: sustainable building training, education and research.

SDG Sustainable Design Group - consulting services for energy efficient and environmentally responsible projects.

Steve Tucker Design manufactures Air Quality House interactive teaching model.

SecondNature education for sustainability.

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. DOE Buildings Energy Databook

U of AK: Rich Seifert's building science home page.

U of Nebraska: Chimneys: Their Installation and Upkeep.

U of NE: Space Heaters: Safe or Unsafe?.

U of MA: Building Materials and Wood Technology.

U of MA:Housewraps, Felt Paper and Weather Penetration Barriers.

U. S. Navy: Energy Conservation Website.

Watts Right (MAD-AIR)

Weatherization Managers Association

The Weatherization PagesFred Lugano's excellent site.

Watts Right manufactures Mad-Air model that demonstrates pressure effects in buildings.

WPB Enterprises US and worldwide residential and commercial radon mitigation expertise.
